15 Things To Put In A Car Emergency Kit

Travelling in a car is a comfort as well as a luxury. It allows us to move from one place to another with a lot of conveniences. However, while travelling in a car, individuals can experience a variety of circumstances. The areas that your vehicle goes through may not have all the facilities that you require at a given time. Thus, it is essential to have an emergency kit in your car. This emergency kit can contain a set of essential items that can help you get through difficult situations.     

Following are some of the things you can have in your car emergency kit:

  1. Car Owner’s Manual –

    This manual contains all the necessary information about the car and its various parts. It comes handy and helps owners to try and solve the problems in case there is a sudden problem with the vehicle or if the car breaks down midway.

  2. Torch And Spare Batteries –

    While travelling we can never be sure what type of roads we might have to go through in the route. Sometimes the lighting might be dim or very poor. In such cases, it is always advisable to carry a torch and spare batteries. It can also be helpful while travelling during the late hours.

  3. Spare Tyre, Jack, Tyre Lever, Pump And Tyre Gauge –

    These are all tools and equipment that can come into use at any time. Car owners can store this equipment in their car to help them whenever necessary.

  4. First Aid Kit –

    A small kit containing some essential medicines, antiseptic lotions and creams, bandages, etc. can be present in the emergency kit. It helps car owners to attend to wounds immediately.

  5. Hi-Vis Safety Vest –

    A high-visibility safety vest is a vest that reflects light and can be spotted easily. This is especially helpful in cases when the owner has to get out of the car for some reason in a dark or desolate place. It helps to prevent accidents too.

  6. Blanket –

    People often drive for long distances, and the journey may even be overnight. It is always advisable to pull over and take a nap or rest for a while if you start feeling drowsy. Under such circumstances a blanket is necessary. Moreover, in situations when there is an accident, and the victim is in shock, a blanket could provide comfort.

  7. Toilet Paper –

    There is no fixed schedule for when a person may want to use the toilet. Sometimes people need to use the toilet while they are still travelling. Thus, it is advisable to carry a roll of toilet paper.

  8. Water –

    There are multiple uses of this necessary resource. It can help to quench individuals’ thirst while on a long journey. It can also help in repair work and to cool down the engine whenever the need arises.  

  9. Jumper Leads –

    These help to jump-start your car in case you drain out your batteries. Having these in your emergency kit can help prevent you from being stranded with a car that has broken down.

  10. Tool Kit

    This kit can include a variety of tools that can help to perform necessary maintenance and repair work. It contains tools like screwdrivers, socket, spanner, vice grips, spark plugs, etc. 

  11. Money –

    It is always a good idea to keep money in different places to ensure that you never fall short of cash. Since cars are in use extensively and on an everyday basis, it is a good idea to keep some money in the vehicle as well. The money may come into use during any emergency.

  12. Fire Extinguisher –

    Travelling in a car puts you at risk of encountering various accidents and difficult circumstances. These accidents may include fire hazards. Thus, a fire extinguisher is an essential addition to the emergency kit.

  13. Lighter Or Matches

    This is a tool to make a fire in case it is necessary, and the car owners find themselves in stressful situations.

  14. Portable Phone Charger –

    Your phone is probably the most efficient and fast way to contact people in case of an emergency. Therefore, you must make sure it has full charge always by carrying a portable phone charger.

  15. Contact Details For Getting Assistance –

    You must keep contact details and assistance numbers handy. So that you can contact any person quickly at the time of need.

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